Friday, June 14, 2019

Employee, Dwayne Arneson - "Gets It!"

Good afternoon IDI employees,  

We have another employee getting some safety recognition.  Carpenter, Dwayne Arneson, a 7-year employee and Safety Advocate at IDI, was chosen as the employee of the week by Walsh Construction at the Cook County Hospital Renovation job site.  Dwayne earned this recognition by playing a pro-active role in the safety culture at this job site.  

Way to go Dwayne, way to represent!  

I love your answer to - Why do you work safely?  "To raise my two daughters!" 

That's what its all about!

Next time you see Dwayne, give him an attaboy!

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Next Volunteer Quarterly Safety Meeting on 8/24/19!

Good morning to all IDI employees,

Just getting the word out that our next volunteer quarterly safety meeting is being held on Saturday, 8/24/19 from 7:00am to 9:00am at our Barrington office location at 28059 W. Commercial Ave.

We will provide more details about this safety meeting as we get closer to the meeting date.  We provide safety training through our volunteer quarterly safety meetings because we care about you, your loved ones and the health of the company.  We provide this training because of our safety mission statement:  "Everyone Goes Home Alive and in the Same Condition as They Arrived; Your Loved Ones Count On It!"

We hope to see you on August 24th, 2019.  In the meantime, keep looking out for each other.  Take care of your brother's and sister's as we are all one family!

Have a Safe Day!