Communication among each other can prevent many injuries
especially those of a repetitive nature.
All employees need to communicate with their supervisors if they are
developing pain in their shoulders, elbows, wrists, knees, back, etc., from
performing a specific task over and over.
These types of problems can be prevented from turning into an
injury. If you are noticing signs that
your body is getting fatigued from doing a repetitive task over and over, your body
probably just needs a break from that specific task which is causing the
pain. The preventative measure in this
case to alleviate the pain and to keep the pain from becoming an injury could
be as simple as job rotation. Once the
employee reports to his/her lead supervisor that he/she is developing pain in a specific body
part from performing a repetitive task, the lead supervisor should then discuss this
with their Superintendent and develop a plan to change that employee’s duties for
a period of time to give that body part a break. This simple procedure of job rotation will
typically prevent the pain from becoming an injury. If a supervisor knows ahead of time of a repetitive task that will go on for a long period of time, an idea would
be to have a couple of employees trained to perform the task and rotate the employees out every couple hours, days or as needed to help reduce the risk of an injury.
If not for yourself,
be safe for your family and loved ones.
Should you have any questions regarding this topic, you are
encouraged to discuss this with your lead supervisor, Superintendent our call our
Safety Director, Peter Graham at
(847) 417-1689.