Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Volunteer Quarterly Safety "Make-Up" Meeting on Thursday, 9/29/16 at 4:00pm

Good morning to all I.D.I. employees,

As you all know, we held our 3rd volunteer quarterly safety meeting of 2016 on Saturday, 9/10/16. We offer a volunteer make-up meeting for those that could not attend the regularly scheduled safety meeting either due to working for I.D.I. on the Saturday of the meeting or due to unforeseen circumstances, etc.

The volunteer quarterly safety make-up meeting is being held on Thursday, 9/29/16 at 4:00pm at our Barrington office in our warehouse. The safety training topic is: "Behavioral Based Safety."

This type of training is in line with what we are trying to accomplish with our safety culture. This training focuses on four mind sets which can lead to injuries which are rushing, frustration, fatigue and complacency which can cause or contribute to four critical errors which are eyes not on task, mind not on task, being in the line-of-fire and/or loss of balance/traction and grip which increase the risk of injury.

Each employee that attends this safety meeting will earn 400 volunteer safety training incentive points for our current year.

We are asking everyone to help spread the word to all of our employees so they have the opportunity to attend.

Also if you are planning on attending, please contact our Safety Director, Peter Graham, no later than Wednesday, 9/28/16 at 3:00pm to let him know as we need an approximate head-count for the meeting as we have to prepare materials and for chair rental purposes. Peter can be reached by e-mail at or text to (847) 417-1689.

Have a Safe Day!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Sprinkler Flood Damage - Limited in Part by 5-Minute Morning Safety Huddle!

Good morning to all I.D.I. employees,

Often times we only hear the bad things that happen when it comes to safety.  Well last Thursday, a great thing occurred that I felt the need to share with everyone.

Our crew was working on the 4th floor at a project.  Another contractor struck a sprinkler head on the 4th floor causing water to start flooding an area on the 4th floor.  Our lead field supervisor, Matt Larson, said that our apprentice carpenter, Robert Hula, immediately yelled out to Matt and the rest of our crew to “shut off the water valve, a sprinkler pipe got hit!”  Matt immediately dismounted from his baker scaffold, grabbed a portable ladder, shut off the water valve and opened the drain valve.  This stopped the water flow and the water left in the pipes then flows through the pipes to the drain instead of out into the space.  Matt also said our crew jumped on helping to prevent the water from getting down the cored holes in the concrete floor and the water got contained to minimize the damage. 

Matt advised that our 5-minute morning safety huddles played a big role in this.  Matt goes over these procedures every day in his 5-minute morning safety huddle.  He reminds the crew that the sprinkler pipes are live, be aware of where they are when you are working around them and to not bump them.  He also goes over as to where the shut off valves are.  Matt also said thank you to our company for doing the training that we do as it prepared him to deal with situations like this and to be aware of live sprinkler pipes.  Matt advised that his crew followed the procedures that they discuss every morning and Robert Hula acted quickly and correctly. Matt advised that the 5-minute daily huddles provided him with the avenue to go over procedures like this.

Matt – terrific job to you, your crew and Robert on being prepared and for preparing your crew! You and your crew's actions potentially saved thousands of dollars, further frustration, time and great client relations. 

Great job!!!!!!!