Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Driver Hand-held Cell Phone Ban in Illinois

Good afternoon I.D.I. employees:

The following is a short article that was in the Chicago Tribune on January 1st, 2014.

 A driver who zooms down the road with one hand on the wheel and the other propping a cellphone against an ear soon could find that choice a costly one — a new state law taking effect Wednesday, 1/1/14, bans the use of hand-held devices while driving in Illinois. Motorists still can chat and drive, but only if they use hands-free technology such as a Bluetooth device, earpiece, headset or speakerphone. Otherwise, they'll need to put it in park or face fines that start at $75. A handful of towns, including Park Ridge, will issue warnings for the first few weeks of the year, but state police say they'll offer no such grace period. Under the law, first-time offenders would face a $75 fine. That cost rises to $100 for a second violation, $125 for a third and $150 for each subsequent offense. After four violations, the Illinois secretary of state would have the power to suspend a driver's license.

I am sure all of you are aware of this new law, however, we just want to put our a reminder for your safety and for your loved ones.  Also, please don't forget the Illinios law in regards to no texting or e-mailing while driving. 

Have a Safe Day & Drive Safe!

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