Good morning to all IDI employees,
As you know, IDI holds volunteer quarterly safety meetings at which we provide safety training to help keep our employees safe, aware of safety hazards, looking out for eachother, and helping to ensure we are all living up to our safety mission statement: "Everyone Goes Home Alive and in the Same Condition as They Arrived; Your Loved Ones Count On It!"
Well, all of us together are doing just that! Our fiscal/business year started on 11/1/21 and since then, we have had zero lost-time injuries during this 5 month period. To help maintain this momentum and to help keep safety at the forefront of everything we do, we are inviting everyone to attend our 2nd volunteer quarterly safety meeting which is being held on Saturday, 5/21/22 from 7:00am to 9:00am. This meeting will be held at its usual location at our Barrington office at 28059 W. Commercial Ave.
All employees (non-Safety Advocates) that attend this safety training session earn 400 incentive points towards our 2022 Volunteer Safety Training Incentive Program. Safety Advocates have their own separate incentive program. So, earn yourself some incentive points so you can order up some IDI logo'd wearables and several other items at the end of the incentive program year.
We look forward to seeing everyone on May 21, 2022. In the meantime, make today count!
Have a Safe Day!