Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Volunteer Quarterly Safety "Make-Up" Meeting on Wednesday, 11/30/16 at 4:00pm

Good morning to all I.D.I. employees,

As you all know, we held our 4th volunteer quarterly safety meeting of 2016 on Saturday, 11/19/16. We offer a volunteer make-up meeting for those that could not attend the regularly scheduled safety meeting either due to working for I.D.I. on the Saturday of the meeting or due to unforeseen circumstances, etc.

The volunteer quarterly safety make-up meeting is being held on Wednesday, 11/30/16 at 4:00pm at our Barrington office in our warehouse. The safety training topic is: "I.D.I.'s Safety Culture."

Included in this safety meeting is a follow up for our last volunteer quarterly safety meeting in which we trained on Behavioral Based Safety.  At our last safety meeting, we trained on the 4 mind states that are known to lead to injuries which are: Rushing, Frustration, Fatigue and Complacency which can lead to not having your Eyes on Task, Mind not on Task, Being in the Line-of-Fire or Loss of Balance, Traction or Grip.  We had asked all of you at the last safety meeting to keep the behavioral based safety training on your mind as you are at job sites and think about whether you noticed the above occurring to you or witnessed it occurring to others and then to be prepared to discuss it in our small group break-outs at our 11/19/16 volunteer quarterly safety meeting.  Maybe you were involved in or witnessed an incident, near-miss, or injury?  If so, what mind states and contributing factors were reasons for the incident?
Each field employee who attends this volunteer safety training session will earn 400 safety training incentive points for our current year.  

Should you have any questions about this meeting, please ask your Superintendent or contact           our Safety Director, Peter Graham at (847) 417-1689 or at

See you at the meeting!