We often use metal pan roof anchors as our fall arrest anchorage tie off point when there are no other 5,000 lb fall protection anchorage points in our work areas when working on metal pan decking. The metal pan roof anchors are designed and engineered as a 5,000 lb anchorage point but will only work as one when used correctly.
The metal pan roof anchors are designed for 1 person to attach to. You cannot tie off more than one person to a metal pan roof anchor. Depending on the model, there are either 12 holes or 16 holes on the flat plate of the device. You are required to use #12 1 ¼” tech bolts to secure the metal pan roof anchor to the metal pan decking. You cannot use a substitute screw or bolt as they may not hold you should you fall. You must fill all 12 or 16 holes with a tech bolt and all of the tech bolts must fasten to the metal pan decking. If you insert a tech bolt through one or more of the holes and it does not fasten to the metal pan decking, then you need to adjust the base of the metal pan roof anchor so that it does. Also, it is critical to keep an eye on your tech bolts to ensure they are not stripped or corroded. Inspect your tech bolts everyday and replace them if you see any signs of wear.
Also, the metal pan roof anchors are only allowed to be used with a retractable lanyard. You cannot tie off to a metal pan roof anchor with a regular lanyard or a lifeline. The metal pan roof anchors are designed and engineered to arrest a falling person who is secured to it with a retractable lanyard only.
Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact our Safety Director, Peter Graham.